how to add money to cash app card in store
Cash App and their associated debit card can be a convenient way to make purchases or send money to friends. Learning how to reload Cash App is a simple process, but it is necessary to know how to do this. Whether you use the Cash App card or the app, the money will still spend the same. Here is everything you need to know about how to put money on Cash App card.
There are four easy ways to add money to your Cash App account. You can load it in a partner store with the help of a cashier, have a friend transfer money in exchange for cash, fund the card with a gift card, or perform a direct bank transfer.
For more information on how to add money to Cash App card, here are all the instructions you will need.
How to Put Money on Cash App Card
Whether you want to use your money in the app or via the debit card, the process to reload a Cash App card is the same. You need to know the methods that can be used to add more funds so that you can conveniently spend your money. The good news is that adding money to your card is quite simple.
You first have to decide what method you would like to use. This primarily depends on what kind of money you want to add. Do you want to put physical cash on the card or upload a gift card into your account?
There are four main ways you can add money to Cash App card:
- Deposit from your bank account
- Add gift cards to the app
- Reload cash in a physical store location
- Receive money from friends in exchange for cash
If you're ready to learn more about how to reload Cash App, the next sections will dive a bit deeper into how to do each one.
How to Add Gift Cards to Cash App

While you can't get gift cards specifically for Cash App, you can get pre-paid debit cards from Mastercard. You can transfer the funds from these to any bank account, including Cash App. You can do this in a very similar way to adding cash through a bank account.
- Open Cash App
- Press the 'Add Cash' button
- Choose the amount of cash you want to add
- Tap the 'Add' button
- Instead of choosing a bank account, add the pre-paid debit card as your source
- Confirm
How to Deposit From Your Bank to Cash App

To deposit money from your bank account into your account, you need to first add your bank account to the application. This is something you will have done when setting up your account. From there, follow these steps.
- Open Cash App
- Press the 'Add Cash' button
- Choose the amount of cash you want to add
- Tap the 'Add' button
- Select your bank account
- Enter the PIN for your bank card
- Confirm
This method can take up to three business days if you choose the regular transfer option. There is an instant one, but a fee of at least $0.50 will apply.
How to put Physical Cash on Your Cash App Card

There are two main ways of funding your account with physical cash. The first is to go to one of the partner stores. The list of stores where you can reload the card include:
- Walmart
- Rite Aid
- 7-Eleven
- Dollar General
We will go into more detail about how to reload Cash App at these partner stores in the next section.
Alternatively, you can ask a friend who also has the application to transfer some funds to you in exchange for physical money. This could also be done with any other user. Since there are no fees for transferring between accounts, you can give anyone your physical funds and have them send you a transfer for the same amount. Of course, this is a risky transaction if it's not with someone you know.
How to Add Money to Your Cash App Card at Store
If you want to add money to your Cash App card at the store, you need to know exactly how to go about doing this. Fortunately, the process is extremely easy to reload your Cash App this way. Here is the breakdown of some of the most popular locations where you can add funds to your account.
How to Add Money to Cash App Card at Walmart
Most people have a local Walmart where they might do their grocery shopping. For many people, this is the most convenient place to head to when you need to add physical cash to your account. All you need to do is have your Cash App ID and get your cash ready to hand over.
Head to any cashier and let them know that you would like to add cash to your Cash App account. They will request your account details and let you know how much to pay them. The cashier can then process the transaction and the money will show up in your account within about ten minutes.
You will have to deal with a physical cashier. This process cannot be completed at a self-checkout register.
Note that this service is not free. It is hard to say exactly how much you will be charged to reload, but it is usually between $2 and $3.

Reload Cash App Card at 7-Eleven
If you have a 7-Eleven gas station nearby, you can swing in to reload your Cash App card here when you stop for a Slurpee. Any cashier should be able to help you add your cash to your account with a few details from you.
They will require the phone number you use to log in to your account. Then, you will hand over the cash you want to deposit so they can finalize the transaction.
The reload fee is a bit higher here than at Walmart. Expect to pay a $4 fee to add money to your account at 711.

Reload Cash App Card at CVS
Major drug stores like CVS also allow you to add money to your Cash App. The process here is much the same as it is for any other retail partner. You will provide the phone number to your Cash App account along with the cash you want to add. All you have to do is tell the cashier how much you want to add to your card.
The reload fee at CVS is the same as it is as 7-Eleven at $4 for each reload.

Reload Cash App Card at the ATM
If going into a partner location and working with the cashier is nerve-wracking to you, then you may be wondering if you can reload at the ATM. Unfortunately, this is not yet a possibility for Cash App cardholders. You can withdraw money from your account at the ATM, but you cannot use it to add funds to your account yet.
If you do use it to withdraw funds, be aware that you will likely be charged an ATM fee.

Of all the ways there are of adding money to Cash App, the best is by direct deposit from your bank. This is how the application was designed to work. All you need to do is add your bank account when prompted, and you'll be able to pull finds from it whenever you need to.
Now that you know how to put money on the Cash app card, check out our guide on your account's spending limits.
how to add money to cash app card in store
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